Drop Quotation

Working with Gemstones is really a fun Job. Since our working years we have observed that Small Jewelry makers get it really tough to get correct prices for what they buy and what the big jewelry companies buy with benefits of Economies of Scale. 

Here you can Just drop your Gemstones needs in the Contact Form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible along with the quotation you request for.

 To Do: 

  • Mention name of the Gemstones you are interested in.
  • Shapes & Sizes
  • Quality preferences
  • Quantity
  • Delivery   

We will process your request and provide you with the prices along with the other details. 

Orders that are above 100 pcs each in small sizes and 50 in big sizes get wholesale prices!!! 

Orders above 500$ gets free shipping by DHL 

Orders above 300$ gets free shipping by Post