Gem stone (such as diamond, sapphire, ruby and emerald), the larimar is the only blue pectolite in the world. This very rare stone is classified as semi-precious in 1979, and today as a fine stone. It can only be found in one region in the whole world, the Dominican Republic.
Edgar Cayce (1877-1945), a famous American psychic, predicted that some missing parts of the lost
continent Atlantis would be found in an island of the Caribbean !
The island Hispaniola, shared between the Dominican Republic and Haiti, was the first of the « New
World » to be discovered by Christopher Columbus in 1492. The prophecies claimed the discovery of a blue stone with extraordinary virtues ! Still, the Larimar was only discovered in 1974, 24 years after Cayce died !
We Make larimar in Calibration and Free Size. Usually free size larimar is much in trend as people want bigger sizes so that they can see the ocean blue textures of this beautiful Pectolite.

The textures on larimar are absolutely stunning and hard to find in any other stone. Whereas Malachite (Green Color) has some very beautiful textures too; but both of them stand out in the Race individually. They can not be compared.