
The color of iolite (Greek, Violet ) is usually blue. Inclusions of hematite and goethite sometimes cause reddish sheen or aventurescence. It has a greasy vitreous luster. Deposits  found in Myanmar, Brazil, India, Madagascar, Sri Lanka, and the United States.

Iolite is also called as a water sapphire. 

Color:Blue, Violet, Brownish 
Color of streak: White
Mohs' hardness: 7-71/2 
Density: 2.58-2.66
Cleavage: Good
Fracture: Conchoidal, Uneven, brittle
Transparency: Transparent translucent 


販売価格 $11.58 通常価格 $12.92 セール
販売価格 $11.70 通常価格 $12.90 セール
販売価格 $11.70 通常価格 $12.90 セール
販売価格 $7.00 通常価格 $7.90 セール
販売価格 $24.80 通常価格 $27.00 セール
販売価格 $78.00 通常価格 $83.00 セール
通常価格 $33.00